Saturday, June 20, 2015

The ten year anniversary for Children at the Well! How could it have been ten years??

Feeling blessed...all that we have accomplished as a team, all the fantastic students who have been part of us and have gone on to do amazing things in the world. All of the stories!!!!

This summer, we are in the middle of using this momentum to create a "Children at the Well Guide"- a comprehensive assembly manual that people in other parts of the country (and the world!) can use to create their own programs similar to Children at the Well.

We call this effort Propagation- new growth, not an exact copy but taking into consideration the local conditions.

Ben Russell (Ben was an original C@W student from 2006 and he's now one of our story coaches!) and I are going to the National Storytelling Conference in Kansas City July 30-Aug 2 to make a presentation about Children at the Well Propagation.

Stay Tuned!!